DX Cup Pro 99

Application: Halyard

The ultimate racing halyard with a Dyneema®-SK99 pre-stretched core. Mainsail, genoa or gennaker halyards, which shall not stretch under any circumstances, are made with this rope. Available in Ø8mm to Ø12mm in four colours!

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€10.80 €10.80
No options Rope end 1 - Dyneema Stirotex
No options Rope end 2 - Dyneema Stirotex

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DX Cup Pro 99
DX Cup Pro 99

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€10.80 €10.80


    Grand Prix halyards designed for yachts and sailors who expect the highest quality - Dyneema®-SK99 pre-stretched core

    The DX Cup Pro 99 is a high-performance ropes for sailors and racing yachts seeking the highest breaking strengths and elongation. The double-braided line has a core made from Dyneema®-SK99 and a cover of Technora and polyester. The 12-plait Dyneema core has a PU coating. The colour of the core matches the colour of the cover. It is made of Technora and HT polyester in black, anthracite with a clear colour tracer in yellow, red, green or blue.
    DX Cup Pro 99 is available from stock in diameters ø8mm, ø10mm or ø12mm in four colours.

    What are the special properties of DX Cup Pro 99?

    • Core made of Dyneema®-SK99 - - Extremely low stretch and with the highest breaking strength for halyards of high performance sails.
    • Smart colour concept for core and cover - The DX Cup Pro 99 has a black cover with coloured tracer elements, red, blue, green or yellow. The coloured core is PU-coated for easy identification, especially when the halyard is tapered. It will make your bowman happy!
    • Convenient splicing options - DX Cup Pro 99 can be ordered ready-made at Premiumropes or you can splice the new halyard yourself. The balanced construction makes splicing and or tapering easy.
    • The Technora cover is high-abrasion resistant - Technora aramid fibres are used in the braided cover to ensure a long lifespan. As a result, the DX Cup Pro 99 performs well in heavily loaded areas of the halyard jammers and clutches, which increases the holding power.

    Where can I use the DX Cup Pro 99 for?

    The pre-stretched Dyneema SK99 core makes the DX Cup Pro 99 ideal as a high-performance halyard for genoas, jibs, mainsails or gennakers. The Dyneema SK99 core ensures that the full potential of each sail can be converted into speed.The abrasion-resistant cover with Technora means the DX Cup Pro 99 can also be used as a lap if required.

    How do I splice a halyard for a jib, gennaker or mainsail with the DX Cup Pro 99?

    The DX Cup Pro 99 is a double braided line with a Dyneema SK99 core. Therefore, use proper splicing techniques suitable for this type of rope. The instruction videos below explain the correct splicing techniques for the DX Cup Pro 99:

    What is special about Dyneema®-SK99?

    Dyneema fibres labelled SK99 are the strongest fibres Dyneema fibres. The letters S and K are the initials of the developers Smith and Kirschbaum. The number 99 is a reference to the E-modulus of the fibres and is an indication of the tensile strength of the material. SK99 is the best performing grade with the highest possible strength. SK99 has a 20% strength advantage over SK78 with the same relative elongation and creep properties.
    Halyards made with Dyneema® SK99 fibres offer maximum performance, especially during regattas and ambitious sailing projects.

    Diameter mmStrength in kgWeight kg/100 m
    PRR431 DX Cup Pro 99 Load - Elongation graph
    More Information
    Function Main halyard, Genoa halyard, Spinnaker halyard, Outhaul, Vang, Cunningham, Backstay (runner), Topping lift, Reefing lines, Spinnaker pole up, Spinnaker pole down
    Segment Sailing Yacht, Racing Yacht, Dinghy
    Stretch Minimal
    Construction Double Braid
    Cover Technora
    Core Dyneema® SK99
    Spliceable Yes
    Colour Blue, Green, Red, Yellow
    Diameter 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm

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