Tension Gauges professional

For 2,5mm - 10mm shrouds - Most Popular model

Use a Loos Tension Gauges to setup your rig with the right tension and repeat the right settings of your standard rigging every time again.

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From €169.95 €169.95

The Loos tension gauges takes the guesswork out of cable adjustment.

Use a Loos Tension Gauges to setup your rig with the right tension and repeat the right settings of your standard rigging every time again.

What are the advantages of the Loos & Co Professional Model PT-CR tension gauge?

When a boat is tuned for performance and you want to repeat the right settings then a Loos tension gauge is the right tool. Shrouds made from stainless steel can stretch a little bit over time. This means that marking turnbuckles cannot guarantee that subsequent adjustments will provide the right tension. Only by gauging is it possible to repeat the right tuning.

What is the right rig tension for my boat?

Tuning your mast with the correct shroud tension is an important part of your boat trim because of the use of mast bend to control the sail shapes under different wind conditions.Mast bend will also affect the shape and trim of your jib because mast adjustment generally affects forestay tension. The most important benefit from having the right tension is limiting the sag of the forestay. Without the proper tension on the forestay the jib luff will fall to leeward, seriously degrading the upwind performance. Please read our blog for more info about mast tension

How do you measure with the Loos & Co Professional Model PT-CR tension gauge?

  • Step 1: Attach the gauge to the shroud by placing the steelwire cable between the two nylon cylinders.
  • Step 2: Pull the lanyard back and hook the sliding indicator also on the shroud. The gauge should keep itself in place if it is properly hooked to the shroud.
  • Step 3: Read the indicator position on the scale. You can check with the supplied calibration table to see if there is correct tension in the cable. You can change the tension in the shrouds while the gauge is attached to the cable.

Which size of the Loos & Co Professional Model PT-CR tension gauge do you need?

  • Use the Loos & Co Professional LCPT-1M for 2.5mm – 4mm cable
  • Use the Loos & Co Professional LCPT-2M for 5mm – 7mm cable
  • Use the Loos & Co Professional LCPT-3M for 7mm – 10mm cable
wire ø2.5mm - 4mm5mm - 7mm7mm - 10mm
More Information
Diameter 2.5-4 mm, 5-7 mm, 7-10 mm

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